About Us
Comprehending the constant rising demand of high quality industrial brushes, R.K. Brush Manufacturing Co. commenced its journey in 1972. Since then, we have been serving the industry as an expert exporter, manufacturer and supplier of different types of brushes. Our company offers varieties of brushes depending on customers' specific requirements. Some of the products we offer consist of Roller Brushes, Letter Writing Brushes, Roller Brushes, Round and Hockey Type, Bottle Cleaning Brushes, Nylon Cup Brush, Tube and Boiler Cleaning Brush, Clock Buff, and many more.
The company has acquired a state-of-the-art infrastructural set-up that steps up the capability and efficiency to fulfill every order within the fixed time period. The set-up is departmentalized into different units like R&D, Manufacturing, Quality Control, Warehouse, and Logistic.